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家暴照顧協會 Helping Victims of Domestic Abuse

社團法人花蓮縣兒童暨家庭關懷協會一直致力於降低對孩子身心的不利家庭因子,降低父母紛爭、提供孩子心靈重建的相關服務。協會為在地小單位,沒有專人負責募款,長期於募款工作吃力,台灣今年五月中開始因疫情三級警戒,兒少停課不停學、父母居家上班、工作經濟受影響,需要協助家庭增多,但疫情之後的募款困難,目睹家暴兒的服務因機構於今年需自籌30%經費,故今年未申請中央的目睹兒服務費,兒家協會目前倚賴捐款多寡提供服務,民國111 年,政府的補助案再調高申請機構的自籌比例至50%,增加兒家協會提供的服務量,故需大眾捐款支持花蓮的目睹家暴兒與高衝突家庭兒少之心理重建相關工作,孩子是國家的未來主人翁,兒少的心理健康議題為公共衛生議題,不容忽視兒少的心理健康工作。歡迎有意願幫助孩子們的各方一同加入關懷活動,要獲得更多消息歡迎您聯絡:TWMC學生會

感謝以下企業及基金會用行動贊助學生關懷計畫,鼎力相助,共同支持台灣下一代的新力量: 臺灣數學科學圈協會(TWMC),豐信慈善基金會,中興工程顧問有限公司,豐閱建設,豐漢建設、瑞兆豐建設、豐上營造、景興營建股份有限公司。




受補助單位: 社團法人花蓮縣兒童暨家庭關懷協會

The Hualian Association for Children and Families has been committed to reducing family factors that are harmful to children's body and mind, decreasing parental disputes, and providing related services for children's mental wellbeing. The association is a small unit in the local area with no dedicated person responsible for fundraising, so it has been struggling with issues regarding fundraising for a long time. Since mid-May of this year, the national epidemic alert of Taiwan has been raised to level three, so children aren’t allowed to be in school and parents are working at home. People’s work and economics are affected, and the number of families that need help is increasing, but it is difficult to raise funds due to COVID. The organizations that help children that are victims of domestic abuse have to raise 30% of the funds they need. The Hualian Association for Children and Families currently relies on donations. In 2022, the government will raise the bar for the amount of self-fundraised money to 50%. Therefore, public donations are needed to support the organization’s work regarding psychological reconstruction of children who are victims of domestic violence. Children are the future leaders of the country, so children’s mental health issues are public health issue and they cannot be neglected.

We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the program with their actions, and for helping each other to support the new power of Taiwan's next generation: Taiwan Math/Science Circle Association (TWMC), Fengxin Charity Foundation, Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd., Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Fenghan Construction, Ruizhaofeng Construction, Fengshang Construction, Jingxing Construction Co., Ltd.

Personnel in charge of event planning:

  • Charlie Lai, President of TWMC Student Council

  • Ming-Yang Chang, Vice President of TWMC Student Council Public Relations Department

Profit donated to:

  • Hualien Association for Children and Families



花蓮兒家協會於民國97 年由門諾醫院身心科王迺燕醫師、林秋芬社工/心理 師發起,與一群心理、社工、精神科護理師共同成立,鑒於於醫療端看見因目睹 家暴、高衝突離異而身心受影響的孩子、甚至是童年受創的成年個案,於是希冀 能於更前端提供預防及處遇;花蓮兒家成立之初即申請政府補助提供目睹家暴兒 三級預防處遇服務、離婚家庭商談服務迄今,於民106 年增加家暴相對人的輔導 處遇服務,長期於花蓮提供家暴、高衝突離婚之家庭的整體服務。研究指出父母 離婚對孩子身心所帶來的風險升高最相關、影響最大的因子:父母之間的高度衝 突、家庭暴力、父母提供的養育質量差、共親職關係差、經濟資源差,以及孩子 失去與其中一位父母的關係,故兒家協會致力於降低對孩子身心的不利家庭因子, 降低父母紛爭、提供孩子心靈重建的相關服務。 

台灣今年五月中開始因疫情三級警戒,兒少停課不停學、父母居家上班、工 作經濟受影響,容易使家庭關係緊繃,如國外去年封城之後,家暴與離婚率皆上 升,本會於三級警戒期間,並未中斷原有的孩子與父母的服務,為防疫需求而增 加各項水電基本支出、社工防疫需求物品增加,加上政府於目睹家暴兒的服務經 費逐年提高申請機構的自籌款比例,本會為在地小單位,且服務議題較難為社會 大眾理解,非有專人負責募款,長期於募款工作吃力,加上疫情之後的募款更為 困難,目睹家暴兒的服務因機構於今年需自籌30%經費,故今年未申請中央的目 睹兒服務費,目前倚賴捐款多寡提供服務,民國111 年,政府的補助案再調高申 請機構的自籌比例至50%,增加本會提供的服務量,但疫情後的服務需求卻增加, 故需大眾捐款支持花蓮的目睹家暴兒與高衝突家庭兒少之心理重建相關工作,孩 子是國家的未來主人翁,兒少的心理健康議題為公共衛生議題,不容忽視兒少的 心理健康工作。 


榮譽理事長 王迺燕

理事長 侯仁智

秘書長 林秋芬

2020 年財務收支分析

營運收入-宣導品 0.72%

政府補助收入 87.17%

捐助收入 12.03%

利息收入 0.02%

會費收入 0.07%

經費收入合計 100%

經費支出項目 百分比

會務管理 12.39%

人事費用 83.97%

會內雜項支出 1.16%

募款及公益行銷費 2.49%

經費支出合計 100%

We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the program with their actions, and for helping each other to support the new power of Taiwan's next generation: Taiwan Math/Science Circle Association (TWMC), Fengxin Charity Foundation, Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd., Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Fenghan Construction, Ruizhaofeng Construction, Fengshang Construction, Jingxing Construction Co., Ltd.

Personnel in charge of event planning:

  • Charlie Lai, President of TWMC Student Council

  • Ming-Yang Chang, Vice President of TWMC Student Council Public Relations Department

Profit donated to:

  • Hualien Association for Children and Families

© 2020-2022 by TWMC Student Association





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