部落關懷 Supporting Aboriginal Youth
感謝以下企業及基金會用行動贊助學生關懷計畫,鼎力相助,共同支持台灣下一代的新力量: 臺灣數學科學圈協會(TWMC),豐信慈善基金會,豐閱建設,中興工程顧問有限公司,景興營建股份有限公司,東莞新文欽有限公司,新文欽五金企業股份有限公司,新達鋁業有限公司,鋐鳴運動用品有限公司。
During the COVID pandemic, one of the most affected groups is the aboriginal people living in rural areas. Through this fundraising project, the youth in these tribes will receive care they need. These children will have the opportunity to have a good future where they work on expanding the tribe's unique expertise and accommodating them with businesses from outside the tribe. Please contact TWMC Student Council if you would like to participate in this event:
TWMC Student Council: twmc.charity@gmail.com
We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the student care project with their actions, and to help each other to support the new power of Taiwan's next generation: Taiwan Math/Science Circle Association (TWMC), Fengxin Charity Foundation, Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. , Sinotech Construction Corporation, Dongguan Xinwenqin Co., Ltd., Shin Wen Ching Metal Enterprise Co., Ltd., Xinda Aluminum Co., Ltd., Hourng Meeng Co., Ltd.
Person in charge of public welfare planning:
Charlie Lai Lai, President of TWMC Student Council
Li-Yu Chang, Secretary of TWMC Student Council
Ying-Han Huang, Former Secretary of TWMC Student Council
Ryan Huang, Vice President of TWMC Student Council Financal Department
Profit donated to:
Tabitha Care Association
協會全名為「社團法人花蓮縣大比大家庭關懷協會」, 於民國94年10月成立,以把愛送到偏遠部落為宗旨,長期深耕、部落陪伴。所服務的花蓮秀林鄉和平村是原住民部落、地理位置偏遠且道路多危險、工礦業的髒亂環境,村內高比例的單親、隔代教養及缺乏優勢的家庭生活環境。
We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the student care project with their actions, and to help each other to support the new power of Taiwan's next generation: Taiwan Math/Science Circle Association (TWMC), Fengxin Charity Foundation, Fengyue Creative Way Global Co. Ltd., Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. , Sinotech Construction Corporation, Dongguan Xinwenqin Co., Ltd., Shin Wen Ching Metal Enterprise Co., Ltd., Xinda Aluminum Co., Ltd., Hourng Meeng Co., Ltd.
Person in charge of public welfare planning:
Charlie Lai Lai, President of TWMC Student Council
Ying-Han Huang, Former Secretary of TWMC Student Council
Ryan Huang, Vice President of TWMC Student Council Financal Department
Profit donated to:
Tabitha Care Association