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1111生活共好行動 Charity in Action

疫情期間,非常多的公益團體受到影響,此次1111舉辦了一系列活動,將在11/5,11/6,及11/11(慈善晚會)在台中舉行, 11/5及11/6將有三場活動,目的是希望更多人加入協助受影響的公益團體,此次活動捐贈年齡從孩童到獨居老人。









這場「共好市集-好物永續」活動正在募集各界從未使用的高品質物品,將好物傳遞給下一個愛物者手上。民眾在共好市集裡,不但有血拚樂趣,還能將義買捐款給弘道老人福利基金會幫助獨居老人,也是環境永續共好的另一個具體行動。   文章來源:

感謝以下企業及基金會用行動贊助學生關懷計畫,鼎力相助,共同支持台灣下一代的新力量: 臺灣數學科學圈協會(TWMC),心之谷永續教育園區,國際扶輪3461地區。












TWMC學生會一起做公益感想    TWMC學生會 江明蒼

今年111年11月11日,我們TWMC學生會參與了一個很有意義的活動。 1111手心向下,一起做對,等你加1。我希望未來每年的11月11日對我們來說都是意義深刻的一天。助人為快樂之本的一天。我也體會到了我們TWMC學生會因善而生,因善而聚的初衷。我覺得公益不僅僅是只有大人可以參與付出,我們小孩子更應該去幫助弱勢朋友,因為我們其實非常的幸福。所以我們TWMC學生會參與做志工,勞力付出。我們的初心是要人人都擁有一顆善心。而這場活動讓我們知道了很多事情,其實是我們應該做的。


我要非常感謝這次的活動,我覺得這個活動不僅僅是做公益,也讓我體會到,很多時候,我們很多時間拿來玩。但是這個活動讓我感覺到,其實小孩可以去幫大人做一些事情,不僅僅是家事, 可以在這種公益活動上去幫忙出錢出力。我們學生可以拿玩的這種精神轉變成一個動力去為了這個公益活動而付出。我希望往後還有更多的活動可以讓我們學生參加,讓我們學生更多的去認識這個世界,讓我們知道我們真的很幸福, 其實我們不應該要求更多,而是去付出更多,而是去給更多人幸福。

During the pandemic, many people were affected. A series of events were held in Taichung on 11/5, 11/6, and 11/11 (charity party). The purpose of the events is to encourage more people to join in the efforts of helping the people and businesses that were damaged due to COVID. The donation will help age groups ranged from children to elderly people that live alone.

The event “1111 Charity in Action" is organized by the Group TRON and co-organizers Taichung Economic Development Bureau, Heart Valley, Rotary District 3461, Taichung Financial Managers Association and Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC) student council.

TW Good Market was also invited to partake in the grand event, bringing hand-made desserts, cultural professionals, DIY handcrafts, local farmers, food trucks, diverse and delicious foods, as well as street dance elites from Taichung high schools.

In the "1111 Charity in Action" event, local youths were invited to organize a "little camping" activity. They will give participants a chance to learn camping skills, recognize traps, experience aboriginal cultural costumes, and sing traditional Bunan people songs. This allows children to experience some of Taiwan's most unique and interesting aboriginal culture.

The Cultural Bridges Organization has long cared for the tribal children in Taitung and Pingtung, and continues to organize programs such as after-school tutoring, multi-talent courses, youth training, winter and summer vacation theme camps, etc. for these students, hoping to allow them to enter the society and the workplace smoothly. "Little Camp" requires appointment registration, and the registration fee will be used to support the Cultural Bridges Organization provide funds for youths to attend the 2023 World Scout Jamboree.

The funds of "1111 Charity in Action" will also go to the Hondao Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation, which arranges shows for the old magicians and the old children's play masters to teach magic tricks and make children's toys. People can truly experience the shows of these elders, and these shows also encourage younger generations to pursue their dreams bravely.

In the evening sessions, participants can taste all kinds of dishes in the dim light, and experience the difference between the scenery of event centre during the day and at night (source:

We would like to thank the following companies and foundations for sponsoring the student care program with their actions, and for helping each other to support the new power of the next generation in Taiwan: Taiwan Math/Science Circle (TWMC), Heart Valley, Rotary District 3461.

Personnel in charge of event planning:

  • Charlie Lai, President of TWMC Student Council

  • Ming-Tsang Jiang, Vice President of the TWMC Student Council Event-Planning Department

  • Ming-Yang Chang, Vice President of TWMC Student Council Public Relations Department

  • Li-Yu Chang, Secretary of TWMC Student Council

Volunteers of TWMC Student Union Public Welfare Program Activities:

Charlie Lai, Ming-Tsang Jiang, Ryan Huang, Ming-Yang Chang, Li-Yu Chang, Yong-Hao Shi, Ting-Kai Huang, Yu-Tong Pan, Zi-Huai Lin, Wei-Jhen Chen, Po-Lin Chen, Yi-Shan Qui, Yu Chang, Rui-Ting Hong, Cheng-Feng Lin, Shengfeng Chuan, Yin-Xin Hsu, An-Lei Liao, Yi-Chen Gao

Profit donated to:

  • The Cultural Bridges Organization

  • Hondao Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation

  • Plahan Symbiosis Care Labor Cooperative

  • Teach for Taiwan (TFT)

1. 更多訊息,請參閱下列新聞報導: 20221019 「1111生活共好行動」11/5辦共好市集嗨翻台中秋紅谷

2. 111.10.24

3. 111.11.2

跨領域好友相揪做公益 1111生活共好行動為弱勢出力

4. 更多資訊

© 2020-2022 by TWMC Student Association

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